OKeh Records Blues History T-Shirt

OKeh Records T-Shirt
Very cool Okeh Records shirt from RetroRanger! Okeh Records began as an independent record label based in the United States of America in 1918. From 1926 on, it was a subsidiary of Columbia Records.
OKeh Records was one of the first record labels to record Black Jazz and Blues performers of the 1920s and 1930s. This design features the OKeh logo from those early years.
RetroRanger is a CafePress-powered t-shirt and gift shop featuring vintage and retro images and art you’re sure to like. Pictured here is the OKeh Records T-Shirt.
At CafePress you can browse through thousands of T-Shirts on any subject or idea you can imagine. Many fun and humorous T Shirt ideas, unique styles and cool designs for men, women and children, like the OKeh Records T-Shirt.

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